Career Education

Skills Development Scotland deliver career services face to face and remotely. Your child can contact our school Careers Advisers, Suzie Todd and Justine Pretorius for career information, advice and guidance at or, or visit

You can also call your local centre to speak to one of the SDS qualified advisers. Find your nearest centre at

You can also find their services for parents/carers online at and

My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools when you need it most:

Subject Choice

Subject choice at school can have an impact on what you can study at college or university and what jobs you can go for in the future.  Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisers are available to support you at subject choice time.  My World of Work can help you prepare for the chats you’ll have with your Careers Adviser, teachers, parents and carers.

Visit for more information.

Parents and Carers

When it comes to making career decisions, you are one of the first people your child will turn to for help.  Use My World of Work to access reliable and accurate careers information and advice to help you to support the child in your life through those big career decisions. You can also meet with the school Careers Adviser at parents’ evenings.

Parents of S2 pupils are also invited to attend subject choice interviews and letters are sent home prior to the interviews to give parents the option of attending.

Leaving School?

Careers Advice and support to access opportunities is also available from Skills Development Scotland for school leavers. 

We have a dedicated post-school team to work with school leavers to help them with their next steps. 

Your local Centre is at Forth Valley College, Stirling, FK8 1SE.  You can drop in between 9am and 5pm on a Monday, or from 10:30am until 5pm on a Wednesday. Alternatively, you can pop into the Bannockburn Enterprise Hub, Stirling, FK7 8JA between 9am and 4pm on a Tuesday or Friday.

If you would prefer, you can phone 01786 462036 for an appointment. 

Our Stirling High School post-school team is:

Lesley Stevenson, Careers Adviser -

Post School

We fully support the #YPGuarantee and are working hard to support each of our leavers to achieve their best, sustained positive destination.

The Young Person’s Guarantee offers all young people the opportunity of:

Useful Links

For all your work, skills and learning needs.

Apprenticeship vacancies across Scotland.

For information and support on digital careers.