Staff List
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Head Teacher - Eccles House - Mr A Macleod
Depute Head Teacher - Snowdon House - Mrs L Kennedy
Depute Head Teacher - Douglas House - Mr P Downie
Depute Head Teacher - Randolph House - Mr K McAdam
Depute Head Teacher - Stewart House - Mr A Hamilton
Depute Head Teacher - Mrs V Wilson
School Resource Officer - Mrs F McGonigle
Principal Teachers Curriculum
Business and Technologies - Mrs L Melvin
Communication - Mrs K Lynas (0.8)
Communication - Mrs T Ambrose (0.2)
Creative Industries - Mr H Fowler
Modern Languages - Ms A Lochhead
Numeracy - Mrs N Gardner
Physical Education - Mr N Durno
Social Subjects - Ms M Weir
Sciences (Biology) - Mrs L Durno (0.5)
Sciences (Chemistry and Physics) - Mrs J Owens (0.5)
Principal Teachers Pastoral
Douglas House - Mrs V Wilson (0.8)
Douglas House - Mr C MacPherson (0.2)
Eccles House - Mrs H Gray (maternity leave)
Eccles House - Miss W McQuillan
Eccles House - Miss K Allan (acting)
Snowdon House - Mr A Weir (acting)
Randolph House - Ms L Jamieson (acting)
Stewart House - Miss S Robb
Additional Support Needs - Mrs F McCabe
Equity - Mrs A Devoy
Support Staff
ASN Support
Mrs K Beattie, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs K Dunbar, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs L Fotheringham, Support for Learning Assistant
Miss L Harvey, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs M McNab, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs J Sinclair, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs L Thomson, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs N Vynnytska, Support for Learning Assistant
Mr P Docherty, Inclusion Support Worker
Mr J Ferguson, Inclusion Support Worker
Ms T Martin, Support for Learning Assistant
Mrs P Noblett, School Administrator
Mrs A McGregor, Admin Support Officer
Mrs C McKerracher, Admin Support Officer
Mrs F Cleland, Admin Support Officer
Mrs G Watt, Admin Support Officer
Mrs K Howie, LRC Support Officer
Ms S Taylor, Admin Support Officer
Mr N Connell, Senior Technician
Mrs L Harvey, Technician
Mrs L Kerr, Technician
Mr T Moodie, Technician
Teaching Staff
Additional Support Needs
Mrs F McCabe, Principal Teacher ASN
Mr G Armstrong
Mrs K Edwards
Mr R Gould
Mrs E Harrington, DYW Lead Teacher
Mr C McIlwaine, Acting Principal Teacher ASN
Mr M McPherson
Miss W McQuillan - Principal Teacher Pupil Support
Business and Technologies
Mrs L Melvin, Principal Teacher - Business and Technologies/Business Education
Mr A Breen - Design and Technology
Ms N Campbell - DYW Lead Teacher/Business Education
Mr D Downie - Design and Technology
Mr A Hamilton - Depute Head Teacher/Business Education
Mr L Johnston - Design and Technology
Mrs S Loughrey - Design and Technology
Mr P Keeley - Business Education
Ms S McAlpine - Computing Science
Mr M Mullin - Computing Science
Miss L Stevenson - Computing Science
Mrs K Lynas - Principal Teacher Communication (0.8)/English
Mr T Ambrose - Principal Teacher Communication (0.2)/Religious and Moral Education
Mr J Borland - Drama
Ms H Cameron - English
Mr R Hart - English
Ms K Logan - English
Ms R McConnell - English
Mrs Y McNicholl - English
Ms K McSweeney - English
Mrs C Peak - Religious and Moral Education
Ms R Pringle - English
Mr A Weir - Principal Teacher Pupil Support/English
Mrs V Wilson - Principal Teacher Pupil Support/English
Creative Learning
Mr H Fowler - Principal Teacher Creative Industries/Music
Miss R Colvan - Music
Miss K Dunsmore - Art
Ms I Dynowski - Art
Ms E Johnston - Health and Food Technology
Ms H Graham - Music
Ms E McCallum - Art
Mrs A Smith - Health and Food Technology
Mrs N Gardner - Principal Teacher Numeracy
Mrs A Afzal
Mr A Cameron
Mr P Downie - Depute Head Teacher
Mr S McWattie
Mrs S Murray
Mr C Smith
Miss F Withey
Miss K Withey
Modern Languages
Ms A Lochhead - Principal Teacher Modern Languages and Confucius Hub
Mr Z Davies
Mr H Li
Ms L Jamieson - Principal Teacher Pupil Support
Mr K McAdam - Depute Head Teacher
Mrs R McKernan, DYW Lead teacher
Ms Rui Zhao - Mandarin Assistant
Physical Education
Mr N Durno - Principal Teacher Physical Education
Mrs H Gray - Principal Teacher Pupil Support/Physical Education
Mrs L Kennedy - Depute Head Teacher/Physical Education
Mr R Knight - Physical Education
Mr C MacPherson Principal Teacher Pupil Support/Physical Education
Miss L Nelson - Secondment
Ms S Robb - Principal Teacher Pupil Support/Physical Education
Ms L Stirling - Physical Education
Ms M Waddell - Physical Education
Miss R Organ - Pool Attendant
Ms K Allan - Principal Teacher Pupil Support/Biology
Mrs L Durno - Principal Teacher Sciences/Biology
Dr A McDonald - Physics
Mrs A McNicol - Chemistry
Ms O Miller - Biology
Mrs J Owens - Principal Teacher Sciences/Chemistry
Mr C Stewart - Chemistry
Mr R Thomson - Biology
Mrs C Wood - Physics
Mr G Walker - Biology
Social Subjects
Ms M Weir - Principal Teacher Social Subjects/Modern Studies
Mr C Auld - Acting Principal Teacher Social Subjects/Geography
Miss J Coffey - Modern Studies
Mrs L Drysdale - Geography and Modern Studies
Mr S Graham - History and Modern Studies
Miss M Rehill - Social Subjects/History