We believe in giving all pupils a voice.  We are a Rights Committed school and sign up fully to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  We agree with Article 12 that states Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.

Our Leadership Academy is open to all young people with an idea, who are actively encouraged to make their voice heard. All leadership teams are pupil led and supported by a senior pupil mentor, led by our Vice Captains.

We use the HGIOURS framework to encourage young people to carry out evidence-gathering activities to help with self-evaluation. 

Our Learner Participation charter aims to

There are many opportunities to lead in Stirling High School. Click each button to find out more:

All young people involved in a leadership activity is encouraged to apply for their Saltire award.  All seniors involved in leading a project are encouraged to work towards their SQA Leadership Award, level 5 or 6.