S2 to S3 course choice information
At the end of S2 young people can select 8 subjects, one from each of the curricular areas, to study in depth, along with the core areas of Physical Education (PE), Religious and Moral Education (RME) and Personal and Social Education (PSE). At the end of S3, 7 areas of study are selected to take forward into the Senior Phase. In S4 young people will be presented for National Qualifications in these 7 subjects.
Take your time to read the subject descriptions in the course choice information booklet.
The course choice form is a Google form and will be open until Friday 31 January. Please complete the form by Wednesday 22 January where possible.
Please note that when courses are oversubscribed or when there is a clash between subjects pupils may be required to make an alternative choice.
Subject choice
Choose ONE subject from each of the choices below (A-E) plus one additional free choice.