SCQF Framework
What is the SCQF?
SCQF stands for Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. The framework helps young people (and their carers and parents!) as they move through school, college, university and the workplace. As carers and parents, it’s natural to try to relate your child’s school experience to your own, but the Scottish education system has changed a lot since you were at school.
Our SCQF ambassadors work together to raise awareness and levels of understanding of the SCQF Framework. They promote flexible learning pathways for learners as they plan their learning journey, understanding the many different learning programmes on the framework and how these can be compared against standard academic qualifications.
Silver Award
We were awarded Silver SCQF Ambassador status in April 2021 - the first school in Scotland to achieve this. Read about our journey here.
SQA results
When you receive your SQA results certificate, it will include information about the level and number of credit points each of your qualifications has. Read more here.
SCQF Ambassadors 2023/24

What the SCQF means to us

SCQF Guide for School pupils
Our journey as an ambassador school

SCQF Guide for School parents and carers

Today's qualifications in old money!