Senior Leadership Team
Mr Macleod
Head Teacher
Mr Macleod is responsible for:
Self Evaluation for Self Improvement
Leadership of Change
Parental Engagement and Parent Council (Community Partnership)
Learning Community
Leadership and Management of Staff
Management of resources to promote equity
Mrs F McGonigle
School Resource Officer
Mrs McGonigle is responsible for:
Staff absence cover
School Fund
Human Resources
Facilities Management Liaison
School Support Staff
Parents’ Evenings
School Handbook
Mrs Kennedy
Depute Head Teacher - Eccles & Snowdon Houses (0.8)
Mrs Kennedy is responsible for:
Pupil Support (2.4)
ASN (2.4)
Personalised Support (2.4)
Safeguarding and Child Protection (2.1)
Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion (3.1)
Family Learning (2.5)
Positive Relationships (Behaviour Policy)
HGIOURS theme 1 – relationships
Transitions: BGE (2.6)
Mr Downie
Depute Head Teacher - Douglas House
Mr Downie is responsible for:
Year Groups S3 and S4
Timetable (2.2)
Curriculum (2.2)
Monitoring and Tracking (3.2)
Reporting to Parents/Carers (2.5)
Raising Attainment and Closing the Poverty-Related Attainment Gap (3.2)
HGIOURS theme 5 – our successes and achievements
Mr Hamilton
Depute Head Teacher - Stewart House
Mr Hamilton is responsible for:
Year Groups S5 and S6
Learning, Teaching and Assessment (2.3)
Partnerships (2.7)
College (2.7)
Developing Young Workforce (3.3)
Transitions: Senior Phase (2.6)
Digital Literacy and Innovation (3.3)
Pupil Voice: (1.2)
Pupil Leadership
Personal Achievement (2.2)
HGIOURS theme 2 – learning and teaching
Mr McAdam
Depute Head Teacher - Randolph House
Mr McAdam is responsible for:
Year Groups S1 and S2
Self Evaluation for Self Improvement
SQA Co-ordinator
Continuing Professional Learning (1.2)
Probationers/Student Teachers (1.2)
Health and Safety (2.1)
HGOURS theme 3 – our school and community
Learning for Sustainability (2.2)
Mrs Wilson
Depute Head Teacher (0.2)
Mrs Wilson is responsible for:
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Attendance and late-coming
HGIOURS theme 4 – our health and wellbeing
PSE Coordination