Colours Awards
Awarded in recognition of excellent performance or commitment in an extra-curricular activity.
Special recognition certificates, Junior Colours ties, Half Colours ties and Full Colours ties are awarded to young people in recognition of excellent performance or commitment in an extra-curricular activity.
Article 29 (goals of education)
Nominations are accepted throughout the year (requires school Google login). The Colours Committee will meet once per term on the following dates.
Term 1 – October
Term 2 – December
Term 3 – April
Term 4 – June
Please read the descriptions below carefully. Apply here.
Special Recognition for Pupils in S2-S6
Awarded to pupils for either a strong commitment to an activity for a minimum of 1½ years.
Example: Taking part in all enterprise activities on offer for 2 years.
The recipient receives a Colours blazer pin and a certificate.
Junior Colours for Pupils in S1 & S2
Awarded for competing or receiving an award at National level or above. Example: placed in top three in a Scottish schools event, competing at National level. Award winners are encouraged to represent the school where possible. Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months). The event must require a qualified entry, competing through group stages and is equivalent to a Full Colours award for junior pupils.
The recipient receives a Junior Colours tie.
Half Colours for Pupils in S3 - S6
This award is primarily to recognise commitment. It is awarded for a strong commitment for a minimum of 2 ½ years to the activity and performance of a consistently high standard.
Example: Pupils who have continually performed to a high standard over a minimum of 2 ½ years in the School Orchestra, local/regional Football Team, helped with the Eco Club, participated fully in Enterprise.
Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months).
The recipient receives a Half Colours tie.
Full Colours for Pupils in S3 - S6
This award is primarily to reward achievement. It is awarded for a consistently high standard of performance and representation at national level or above.
Example: Pupils who have performed well at national level and showing a dedication to their sport/activity for a prolonged period of time e.g. a pupil who has worked for 4 years with the Eco Club and was invited to present at a National Conference. For sporting awards, the event must require a qualified entry, competing through group stages. Award winners are encouraged to lead a school group in their chosen field, where practical.
Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months).
The recipient receives a Full Colours tie.
Colours Awards 2022/23
Colours Awards 2021/22
Not all Colours Award winners are represented here as some chose to not have their success celebrated publicly.
Article 12: respect for the views of the child