Colours Awards

Awarded in recognition of excellent performance or commitment in an extra-curricular activity. 

Special recognition certificates, Junior Colours ties, Half Colours ties and Full Colours ties are awarded to young people in recognition of excellent performance or commitment in an extra-curricular activity. 

Article 29 (goals of education) 

Nominations are accepted throughout the year (requires school Google login).  The Colours Committee will meet once per term on the following dates.

Please read the descriptions below carefully. Apply here.

Colours blazer pin

Special Recognition for Pupils in S2-S6

Awarded to pupils for either a strong commitment to an activity for a minimum of 1½ years.

Example: Taking part in all enterprise activities on offer for 2 years.  

The recipient receives a Colours blazer pin and a certificate.

Junior Colours for Pupils in S1 & S2

Awarded for competing or receiving an award at National level or above.  Example: placed in top three in a Scottish schools event, competing at National level.  Award winners are encouraged to represent the school where possible. Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months). The event must require a qualified entry, competing through group stages and is equivalent to a Full Colours award for junior pupils.

The recipient receives a Junior Colours tie.

Half Colours for Pupils in S3 - S6

This award is primarily to recognise commitment.  It is awarded for a strong commitment for a minimum of 2 ½ years to the activity and performance of a consistently high standard.

Example: Pupils who have continually performed to a high standard over a minimum of 2 ½ years in the School Orchestra, local/regional Football Team, helped with the Eco Club, participated fully in Enterprise.

Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months).

The recipient receives a Half Colours tie.

Full Colours for Pupils in S3 - S6

This award is primarily to reward achievement.  It is awarded for a consistently high standard of performance and representation at national level or above.

Example: Pupils who have performed well at national level and showing a dedication to their sport/activity for a prolonged period of time e.g. a pupil who has worked for 4 years with the Eco Club and was invited to present at a National Conference.  For sporting awards, the event must require a qualified entry, competing through group stages. Award winners are encouraged to lead a school group in their chosen field, where practical.

Award must be current (achieved within the last 6 months).

The recipient receives a Full Colours tie.

Colours Awards 2022/23

Colours Awards 2021/22

Not all Colours Award winners are represented here as some chose to not have their success celebrated publicly.

Article 12: respect for the views of the child