Rights Respecting School
Rights Respecting Schools
We have achieved the first stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award, Bronze: Rights Committed.
We have established a Rights Respecting steering group.
The role of the Steering Group is:
To take the lead in developing and delivering the school's plan to become rights respecting
To ensure that the whole school is aware of the RRSA
To provide a link between young people, teachers and the senior leadership team, parents and carers and the whole school community
To prepare for next stages of the RRSA, Silver: Rights Aware and Gold: Rights Respecting in the longer term.
Senior RSS team
Junior RSS team
The original steering group was made up of S5 pupils and was supported by Mr Hamilton and members of the Captaincy team.
The current steering group is made up of junior and senior pupils and is supported by Ms Weir, Mrs Drysdale and Mrs Martin.
The group works with the whole school community to further the three RRSA Strands of the RRS:
Strand A: Teaching and learning about rights
Strand B: Teaching and learning through rights - ethos and relationships
Strand C: Teaching and learning for rights - participation, empowerment and action
You can read our Action Plan for Silver here.
The Rights of the Child