Quentin Sommerville

About me

I am the Middle East Correspondent for the BBC News.

Left school

June 1989

Senior Phase

I achieved Higher (SCQF level 6) Modern Studies, History, English, Maths and Latin.

Choosing my Destination

Friends and friends of family. It helps to ask as many people as possible. There are so many possibilities out there and you can't possibly imagine them all. 

Extra Curricular & Work Experience

I worked at Boots the Chemist. It was good experience, I learned to deal with people. And dealing with people is a fairly critical life skill. 

Skills I've developed

I learned to write in History class with Mr Selkirk. I learned to appreciate culture in Latin with Ms Salmond. I learned about the world, current affairs and shifts in society with Phil Harding and Margo Biggs in Modern Studies. All of these things were new to me, a whole world was opened to me in those classes, a world of possibilities. I started public speaking, and was fairly terrible at it. I found it terrifying but like everything in life, it became easier with practice. Most things do. Crafts, whatever they are, tv reporting, wood whittling, singing, can all be learned. 

My Advice

It's going to be okay. Have faith in your abilities and also in the support of your friends and family. You'll go to places you've never imagined. 

If there's something you're interested in, then ask about it. If there's someone you admire, then contact them. Doors will open for you but only if you make that first small push.