Tom Imrie

About me

I am a Captain with Tarmac Marine. I joined the Merchant Navy (which is commercial shipping, anything other than the Royal Navy) as a trainee deck cadet when I left School. The cadetship included 3 years at Strathclyde University working towards a BSc in Nautical Science, followed by a year at Sea as a trainee deck Officer. Once qualified I sailed as a Deck Officer on Cruise ships, Super yachts and Antarctic expedition vessels. In recent years I sat exams to climb the rank structure and last year I was given command of a dredging ship operating in and out of London.

Left school

June 2005

Senior Phase

I achieved Higher (SCQF level 6) in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English and Business Management.

Choosing my Destination

To be honest, like most young people, I was lost with choosing a career. I knew I wanted to do further education but wasn't keen on getting in to debt. When I saw an advert in the recruiter newspaper for cadetships being advertised as 'Go to university and get paid for it' I went to an open day and signed up for it.

Skills I've developed

Leadership, Communication and team work. Things which you learn in the work place which can transcend over your work and personal life.

My Advice

Pay attention and learn. We come from a privileged part of the world where education is seen as our right. This right should be appreciated as it is not available to all.

Travel, travel, travel and find something that you enjoy doing.