
Willow Church

About Me

I am about to go into year 2 of my BA Art & Design course at Forth Valley College.

Left school

June 2022.

Senior Phase

In S4 I achieved National 5 (SCQF level 5) in Biology, Maths, Art & Design, Graphic Communication and English.

In S5 I achieved Higher (SCQF level 6) in Biology, Maths, Art & Design and English.

In S6 I achieved Advanced Higher (SCQF level 7) Art & Design, SCQF 6 Photography, SCQF level 6 in Creative Thinking and a level 5 SCQF NPA in Bakery.

Choosing my Destination

My Mum was a great support when choosing my future career options, as well as the Art teachers and Mrs Edwards.

Extra Curricular & Work Experience

I am involved in a number of extra-curricular activities such as Martial Art where I learned teamwork, communication skills, built confidence working with a range of age groups. It was also great to get exercise as I know how important that is to promote positive mental health.

I also volunteer - this as also helped develop my skills in teamwork, communication, time keeping and serving others.

I am a keen walker/hiker and enjoy personal art - as well as being fun, it gives me a creative outlet and will hopefully be beneficial to my future career.

Skills I've developed

The skills I have developed through school are teamwork, understanding different people's needs when working, communication, compassion, always trying to make things better, attention to detail, critical thinking and creative thinking.

My Advice

It will be hard, you will find friends and happiness, you need to be yourself, get comfortable alone because you can sometimes do your best work by yourself. Make sure you explore things and do things for fun because you like them.