PSE (Personal and Social Education)

In Stirling High School, the personal and social development of all pupils is fostered at three levels:

PSE as a Whole School Issue

All teachers make important contributions in the course of subject lessons, by the use of pupil-centred learning experiences and through informal contacts in the extra-curricular life of the school.

PSE Through Heightened Support and Counselling

This is primarily the role of the Form Tutors and the promoted Pupil Support staff and includes:

PSE Programme

Form classes

PSE material is timetabled to be delivered by our Principal Teachers of Pupil Support, one period a week. The work is sourced and developed by Pupil Support staff. It is evaluated and improved through our Quality Assurance process. A wide range of topics are covered, examples of these include bullying, sexual health, drugs education, rights and responsibilities, careers, emotional intelligence and study skills.

External Agencies

When appropriate PSE is delivered by external agencies during class time to allow for more detailed discussion of some topics. Recently these have included visits from the Fire Brigade, Open Secret and the Police. 


Assemblies take place every week for all pupils. These can be House Assemblies or for whole year groups. Assemblies are either delivered by Depute Headteachers or outside speakers. Recent outside speakers have come from groups such as Women’s Aid, the Teenage Cancer Trust, Project Trust and Young Carers.